Hacking solutions for tomorrow

Discover our Hackathons

Join us for an exciting adventure with Blue Bio Techpreneurs!

We are organising three hackathons with a unique program designed for students, young graduates, and professionals to develop solutions for future challenges. Each hackathon is a 48-hour event where students can team up and create innovative ideas and solutions for real-life problems in the blue biotech industry. The challenges will be presented by startups, companies, and institutions that are looking for fresh minds and brilliant ideas.

Through these hackathons, BBT offers an opportunity for the private sector to access young talents and focus on solving relevant challenges with innovative approaches. This will help participants to apply and further develop transversal skills, problem-solving, and design thinking.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Nordic Hackathon

Odense, Denmark - September 2024
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Baltic Hackathon

Atlantic Hackathon

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